NUS Trade seminar

In Academic Year 2024/25, trade seminar usually takes place on Wednesday, 4 pm to 5:30 pm (in person).

26 Feb. 2025 Phillip McCalman (Melbourne)

22 Jan. 2025 Arnaud Costinot (MIT)

13 Nov. 2024 Haishi Li (HKU)

6 Nov. 2024 Marti Mastieri (CREI)

30 Oct. 2024 Thierry Mayer (Science Po)

4 Sep. 2024 Chang Sun (Hong Kong U) “Firm Entry and Market Interdependence: Evidence from anti-dumping tariffs on Chinese exports“

20 Aug. 2024 Nancy Chau (Cornell) “On Migration Gravity with Status Quo Bias and Job Search Friction“

8 Aug. 2024 Wolfgang Keller (Colorado at Boulder) “Colocation of Production and Innovation: Evidence from the United States“

5 Aug. 2024 Rafael Dix-Carneiro (Duke) “Trade and Domestic Distortions: The Case of Informality“

24 Apr. 2024 Thibault Fally (UC Berkeley) “Consumer Demand with Price Aggregators”

17 Apr. 2024 Pao-Li Chang (SMU) “Estimating Firm-Level Production Functions with Spatial Dependence”

27 Mar. 2024 Woan Foong Wong (U Oregon) “Multimodal Transport Networks”

20 Mar. 2024 Daisuke Adachi (Aarhus) “When Work is Threatened: Lifelong Education and Occupation Choice”

6 Mar. 2024 Chris Albert (Collegio Carlo Alberto) “The Trade-Creating Effect of Immigrants: Evidence from Household
Purchase Data”

28 Feb. 2024 Joan Monras (San Francisco FED) “Floating Population: Migration With(Out) Family and the Spatial Distribution of
Economic Activity”

6 Dec. 2023 Konstantin Kucheryavyy (U Tokyo) “The Quantitative New Trade Model: Equilibrium and Welfare Analysis”

22 Nov. 2023 Lorenzo Caliendo (Yale) “Reciprocity and the China Shock”

18 Oct. 2023 Shengyu Li (UNSW Sydney) “Productivity and Quality of Multi-product Firms”

14 Aug. 2023 Liugang Sheng (Chinese U Hong Kong) “How did Chinese exporters manage the trade war?”

2 May. 2023 Kirill Borusyak (UCL) “Understanding Migration Responses to Local Shocks”

26 Apr. 2023 Gordon Hanson (Harvard, Kennedy School) “Local Labor Market Impacts of the Energy Transition: Prospects and

21 Apr. 2023 Daniel Trefler (Toronto) “AI and Digital Service Trade”

4 Apr. 2023 Loren Brandt (Toronto) “Barriers to Entry and Regional Economic Growth in China”

21 Mar. 2023 Ferdinand Rauch (Oxford, Heidelberg University) “Identifying Agglomeration Shadows: Long-run Evidence from
Ancient Ports”

7 Mar. 2023 Anders Humlum (Chicago, Booth) “Technological Stickiness: Long Transition from Water to Steam Power”

6 Dec. 2022 Andreas Moxnes (Oslo) “Trade From Space: Shipping Networks and The Global Implications of Local Shocks”

22 Nov. 2022 Fernando Parro (Penn State) “Mechanics of Spatial Growth”

8 Nov. 2022 Charly Porcher (Georgetown) “Remote Work and City Structure”

25 Oct. 2022 Jee-Hyeong Park (Seoul National University) “Hybrid Vertical FDI”